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Civil Servant Accountability Project

Have you ever encountered a civil servant that did their job so poorly that you felt they should be fired?  I spoke with someone regarding a situation he experienced with a local civil servant.  The civil servant did their job so poorly that he complained to the city manager about the poor performance by the civil servant and was told that he could file a complaint and that the civil servant would investigate their poor performance and turn in a report and determine what should be done.  I felt that was absurd.

The following is what I propose to try to have enacted as law.

(1) The creation of a civilian review board (CRB) that reviews poor performance of a civil servant after a complaint has been submitted for review.  The civil servant then explains their position. The members of the CRB are not paid, they volunteer their time for free.

(2) After reviewing the complaint and the explanation by the civil servant each member of the CRB decides if the civil servant did a good job or not.  If the CRB decides the civil servant did a bad job the civil servant is fired and permanently prohibitted from working as a civil servant.

(3) The entire process will happen via the internet with no need for expensive meeting places.  The complaint and the civil servant explanation will be published online.


